Diladele B.V. Logo Web Safety

License costs are based on total number of filtered devices (IP addresses or authenticated user/computer names) in your network.

Please select the corresponding license based on the number of IP addresses (authenticated user and computer names) you need to filter and click "Add to Card" to pay with PayPal or click "Pay with Stripe" to pay using the credit card. If you represent a school or another educational institution it may be advisable to get the academic license.

Personal (Self Support) Small Office Business Academic/Educational Enterprise

29.99 € per year. 7 devices included. Please note, personal license is for home usage only, cannot be used in businesses and does not include Active Directory integration in filtering policies.

299 € per year (up to 25 filtered devices). 399 € per year (up to 50 filtered devices). 699 € per year (per 1000 devices).* Contact support team to get the actual Sale Quotation or normal Payment Invoice based on the number of filtered devices.
Pay with Stripe
Pay with Stripe
Pay with Stripe
Pay with Stripe

If you have a business license and need the proof of purchase and business invoice with company details for your payment, please contact the support team. Be sure to share the full name of your company and its postal address. If your company is located in the European Union we would also need the registered VAT number.

* If the number of filtered devices/users in your academic institution is more than 1000 we would like to kindly ask you to contact the support team for a sale quote.