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Bootstrap Themes

Web Safety

Simple and powerful Web Filter / Secure Web Gateway for your network. Easily deployed in VMware vSphere/ESX, Microsoft Hyper-V on-premises or Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS clouds.

Web Filtering Solutions

Comprehensive Web Filtering and Secure Web Gateway solutions for your network

DNS Safety

Light DNS filtering server for public or home networks. Deployed as virtual machine, designed to augment your local DNS server adding filtering capabilities for public DNS requests without disruption for your on-premises Active Directory infrastructure.

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Web Safety

Enterprise grade secure web gateway solution deployed in VMware, Hyper-V on-premises or Microsoft Azure/AWS cloud environments. Runs as a virtual machine based on Ubuntu Linux and Squid and is managed through the browser.

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Web Filtering Proxy

Easy to manage web filter and local Secure Web Gateway for small and medium teams in Microsoft environments and Azure cloud. Installed as native Windows MSI application and managed using MMC Console.

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